最近一次被紀錄的帶病演唱是填詞人黃偉文的作品展,她盡最大努力唱完了三首歌,當中包括蕩氣迴腸的《如何掉眼淚》,聽得出不是平時的水準,但還可以接受。今天的《Touch Mi 2 鄭秀文世界巡迴演唱會》,相信她的病情比那次更為嚴重。開場大概是音樂太強勁,加上底聲較重和快歌比較易處理,並未察覺到不妥,但唱罷《煞科》,一開口說話大家就知道情況不妙,接下來唱《親密關係》時大家更知道這並非只是打一、兩個噴嚏的傷風感冒。
《Touch Mi 2》屬「Touch Mi」系列的最終站,除了新衣服外,過去兩年在其他地方的演出都沒有很大的改動,但在這次香港的最終站卻改頭換面,加入了新歌《犀利》、《Fabulous》(我討厭陳詠謙的歌詞),以及一些歌迷們很想聽的side tracks,包括從來沒有在演唱會唱過的《最後一次》和《你愛我愛不起》,很久沒有唱的《如何掉眼淚》和《愛的輓歌》等等。單看曲目就知道下了不少心思,雖然病菌令她未能唱好這些令人驚喜的歌曲,但她仍拚了老命嘗試唱好每一個字,眼見她如此努力,真的又感動又痛心,但誰又可以在喉嚨發炎時唱好《薩拉熱窩的羅密歐與茱麗葉》呢...
今年繼續用運氣買戲飛,打頭陣有糖衣陷阱《戀愛魔法》。我知道日劇又長氣又悶,禮拜六、日電視播日劇我都只係一路晾衫一路睇,但因為相葉雅紀,我第一次入戲院睇日本電影。結果當然係不堪設想,簡直係悶到想界櫈(但冇帶界刀),下次再有made in Japan嘅真係唔駛預我...
While We're Young (玩轉4字頭)
Tomorrowland (明日世界)
Poltergeist (鬼驅人)
正所謂希望越大,失望越大,《I Kissed a Girl》同《The Gift》係兩個好好嘅例子。前者講述靚仔基佬男主角喺準備同男朋友結婚之際,竟然同一個女人發生一夜情。天真嘅我以為個故事會高潮迭起,但故事平淡不特止,仲要有一個我都幾唔鍾意嘅結局,所以扣咗好多分。後者個trailer睇到我好心寒,香港未上我已經bookmark住,一定要去睇,點知成套戲氣氛唔夠懸疑兼唔夠驚嚇,同想像中出入都幾大。慶幸成個concept夠變態,有啲位雖然估到下一步會發生咩事,但都不失心寒嘅感覺。
上次探完路,今次可以大搖大擺咁喺2015年一個人第二次再去莫斯科欣賞偶像嘅演唱會,連Crocus City Hall嘅職員都一臉愕然,奇怪點解會有個外國人喺度。呢個特徵亦為我帶嚟特別嘅待遇-首先,門口賣紀念品個女仔好主動咁話我知應該由邊個入口入場;第二,個個職員都笑容滿面,我完全係有一種賓至如歸嘅感覺;最後就係個職員應該知我唔識睇張飛,唔知坐邊行,佢帶我帶到埋去位側邊!
《Talk to Me》帶畀我讀書嘅回憶,《Heartbeat》會令我諗起某個舊情人,《Take It Off》令我諗起上一次莫斯科之旅...演唱會非常精彩,即使有幾首我鍾意嘅英文歌都唱咗俄文版,但係聽住熟悉嘅旋律,一樣可以搵到共鳴,一樣可以好hyper,印象深刻到有幾首歌直到今日都仲喺我個腦入面loop緊。
Until 2012, thanks to Facebook, I knew that Sergey Lazarev was gonna hold a concert in March 2013, at that time, I actually tried to but a ticket online!
But the procedure was really complicated, there's nothing I could do in Hong Kong. Really appreciate my cousin's help on finding his friend to buy a ticket for me, accomplishing my first trip to Moscow in 2013.
After last time's exploring, I could boldly go to Moscow to watch Sergey's concert this time in 2015, the staff in Crocus City was shocked, wondering why there was a foreigner there. And this characteristic brought me privileges - Firstly, the lady selling souvenirs was telling me which entrance I should go even I didn't ask; secondly, it was a pleasant experience that all staff was smiling at me all the time; and the last thing was that the staff must knew that I didn't know where my seat was, she walked me to my own seat!
“Talk to Me” brought back memories in school, “Heartbeat” made me think about my ex, “Take It Off” reminded me about my last trip there... The concert was awesome, even he sang some of my English favorites in Russian, with the familiar melodies, they are still touching and I still felt hyper listening to them, the concert was so impressive that some of the songs keep looping in my head until this minute after the concert.
It is hard to describe the feeling of watching a performance in real which I could only watch in front of the computer, and listening to songs that I have been listening in the past 10 years in a country with 10-hour flight. And the feeling of being the only Asian (I think I really was) in the concert hall is actually special.
Can I make an early reservation now for the next concert?